Publications in the UC Groundwater Cooperative Extension Program
Scientific/Technical Publications (click here)
Video/Audio Blogs:
- UC ANR Water Seminar: Frontiers in Sustainable Management of Groundwater (2021)
- University of Waterloo Farvolden Lecture 2020: Nonpoint Source Pollution in Agricultural Landscapes: Assessment, Monitoring, Regulation, and Management (2020)
- PPIC Policy Priorities for CA Water Panel Discussion: Implementing the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (2016)
- GRACast: Managing the Groundwater-Surface Water Interface Under California's New Groundwater Law (2016)
- UC ANR Webinar: Understanding the Implementation of SGMA (2016)
- AGI Webinar: How Interactions Between Groundwater and Surface Water Affect Water Availability (2015)
- UC ANR: Water and Drought Online Seminar Series (2016)
- Video: Managing Groundwater for Drought, Clean Water, Food Security, and Ecosystems (2015)
- Webcast: Groundwater Reform - Lessons from California (2015)
- Video: Managing Water Risk: Groundwater, Agriculture and Global Food Security (2015) - go to second video
- Video: Future of Groundwater Management in California (2015)
- Video: Groundwater, Drought: An Introduction (2014)
- Video Series: Groundwater Policy in California (2015)
- Radio: Global Water & Food Security: Groundwater in California, South Asia, Africa (2014)
- Video Series: California Water - Virtual Tour (2014)
- Video: Nitrate in Drinking Water - Key Findings of the SBX2 1 Study by UC Davis (35 minutes - starts at 10:00 min in the video); California State Assembly Oversight Hearing on Drinking Water, November 14, 2012.
- Video: What is Groundwater - Facts and Myths (15 minutes - starts at 09:00 min); from the California State Assembly Oversight Hearing on Groundwater Management, February 1, 2011.
- Video: Management of Groundwater Resources in California (3 hour video) California State Assembly Oversight Hearing on Groundwater Management, February 1, 2011.
- Video: For Water of Food - Groundwater and Agriculture (2010)
- Video: Water, People and the Future
- Video: Toward Sustainable Groundwater in Agriculture - Linking Science and Policy
- Video: Water - we need it, the cows need it, the crops need it. Where do we get it from?
- Video: UC groundwater scientist studies aquifers beneath valley dairies (UCANR-link)
- Audio: What happens to antibiotics used on dairy farms? (Capital Public Radio)
- Blog: Random Groundwater Notes
Educational Materials:
Watersheds, Groundwater, and Drinking Water: A Practical Guide

The draft booklets offered during the 2002 shortcourse series are available below as PDF files. The booklets provide an introduction to groundwater and watershed hydrology, and to the California Drinking Water Source Assessment Program
(Note: These are relatively large PDF files and may take several minutes to download. Those not available as links can be obtained as PDF files by sending an email request. Please specify the title):
- Surface Water Hydrology and Watersheds (2.4MB file)
- Groundwater Hydrology (11 MB file)
- Water Law in California (6.7 MB file)
- Surface Water Quality (13.3 MB file)
- Groundwater Contaminants and Sources (5.6 MB file)
- Transport and Fate of Surface Water Contaminants (13.3 MB file)
- Transport and Fate of Groundwater Contaminants (5.7 MB file)
- Water Sampling and Monitoring (6.0 MB file)
- Delineating Surface Water Sources and Protection Zones (1.2 MB file)
- Delineating Groundwater Sources and Protection Zones (4.7 MB file)
- Assessing Vulnerability (1.4 MB file)
- Protecting Water Sources (4.8 MB file)
- Overview of California’s DWSAP Program (2.4 MB file)
- Compiling an Inventory of Possible Contaminating Activities (PCAs) (4.9 MB file)
Factsheets on Groundwater and Watershed Topics
A series of factsheets is being published (for free) through UC ANR publications as part of a shortcourse series on Farm Water Quality Management. The following are PDF files containing the groundwater related factsheets in that series:
- Groundwater
- The Water Well
- Groundwater Sampling and Monitoring
- Groundwater Quality and Groundwater Pollution
- Ground Water Protection Areas and Wellhead Protection Draft Regulations for California Ag
- Water Pollution Control Legislation
- Nonpoint Sources of Pollution in Irrigated Agriculture
- Developing a Nonpoint Source Pollution Evaluation Program
- Ground Water Protection Areas and Wellhead Protection (for pesticide use)
- Watershed Function
"Toward Sustainable Groundwater in Agriculture - Linking Science and Policy" Online Resources (abstracts, presentations, videos)
We also offer some limited material that accompanies our shortcourses and seminars.